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8th Annual


Saturday 27th July 2024


The Hutton Cranswick 8th Village Show on The Green is back!

It takes place on Saturday 27th July 2024 - 11am to 4pm.

There will be an opportunity to enter the show exhibition of local craft work and produce.

The Entry Forms is available via this link: Village Show 2024 Entry Form. You can view or download the show schedule with details of rules and guidance for entries via this link: Village Show Schedule 2024.  They are also available in the May Bulletin which can still be picked up from Foreman’s Showroom. The Show box will be in the SPAR by 15th of June. Remember deadline for entries is 13th July.

It’s completely anonymous to enter unless you win! Make sure you submit an entry for each item you are bringing to the show (e.g. if you knit two jumpers, you will need to list two separate entries on your entry form, with the same class number).

A maximum of three entries per class, but you can enter as many different classes as you like. Please do not put your name on any item. It needs to be anonymous, or it may be disqualified.


All cookery exhibits should be presented cold (not warm). They must be chilled quickly after baking and then brought to the exhibition tent wrapped/covered for health and safety reasons. Ensure you check the measurements/size requirements/quantities in the schedule.

Val’s set recipe: please stick to the recipe, and only the recipe. The aim of this class is to test baking skill, rather than something with extra additions/individual touch.


Make sure the jar is filled right to the top.

Put your entry sticker on the jar, not the lid, as lids can easily get mixed up!

Art & photography:

Art exhibits: We would like you to stick to a reasonable size (roughly A4) to make sure we can fit in all the exhibits, but if yours is bigger, don’t worry, we appreciate that artistic creations may not so easily fit into the size stated in the schedule, and therefore we will do our best to display it.


Please try to stick to a reasonable print size and present mounted, if possible. Most previous winners have been around 6"x4" print size, so bigger isn’t necessarily better!

We are organising a Dog Show sponsored by Field of Dreams dog exercise area and the village Tug of War competition sponsored by James White Butchers.

The new regular Craft & Produce Market runs on the 4th Saturday of each month and will be in our show tent on the day.

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