HM Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1926 - 2022

Hutton Cranswick Parish Council is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family at this extremely sad time.




Welcome to the Hutton Cranswick Village website

This is your village website ā€“ search and discover the wealth of information available on our community.

Let us know through the Contact PageĀ what you think and if there are areas we should be covering.

The Bulletin will be published online through this website.

We are working on building the Events Calendar facility ā€“ as soon as we are able to meet again ā€“ this will be your first port of call to find out what is going on.



COVID Alert Level Notice

National Lockdown: Stay at Home

On Monday 4 January, the Prime Minister announced a third national lockdown.

In brief, the lockdown measures are:

  • You must stay at home. This is the single most important action we can all take to protect the NHS and save lives.

  • You must not leave your home unless necessary.

  • Stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household or bubble.

Remember - Hands | Face | Space

Approximately 1 in 3 people who have coronavirus have no symptoms and could be spreading it without realising it.

Hands ā€“ wash your hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds

Face ā€“ wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet

Space ā€“ stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings)


Village Show Logo


6th Annual


Sunday 26th July

It will be a different kind of show this year!

The hope is that by 26th July we will be able to have a small-scale show at the SRA, to showcase your entries (and hopefully a bit more too), but if it has to be a virtual show, then that is what we will do.

The schedule is smaller this year, but also out earlier too. There will be prizes for the winners as usual and a lot of the classes are more general this year, to give you more opportunity to choose what you want to create.

All classes are free and no entry form

Look out for more briefings on the show and further information posted on this pageĀ in July

Download a copy of the new Show Schedule

A big thank you to all our sponsors from previous years. We are not asking for any sponsorship this year, in light of these difficult times for everyone.

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